Mr. Allen Ward JR

Lead Mechanic

Allen is the master at fixing and inventing items for our vehicles.

Assistant Curator

Interior Displays

Christopher Pogletke

Chris is currently a Career and Technical Education Lab Tech at Fraser High school, Fraser MI. He is also member of the Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary and hold ranks of Cadet Major and 1st Lt.senior member.

Museum community relations and charity fundfaising Director

Mr. Tom Cleaver

Tom has worked for many charities in Metro Detroit for over 25 years and has lend his expertise to the museum.

Vehicle Coordinator

Mr. Chuck Ferrigno

Retired US Army Veteran

Chief Mechanic, driver and coordinator of the museums vehicles. Proud Grandfather, father and husband lives in Almont MI.

​Assistant Curator


Mr. Trevor M. Larson

Trevor is our museum assistant curator for interior displays. History student and collector, very knowledgeable on weapons and artifacts.Trevor lives in Macomb MI

Communications and Veterans History Project Manager

Brian Louwers 

Brian is a graduate of U of M Dearborn, a life long student of History, prides himself with the honor of interviewing our local Veterans not only for us but also the Library of Congress.

Brian is a staff writer for C&G Newspapers, proud Father and Husband. He is a resident of Ferndale, MI.


Mr. Paul Ott

​Paul works on many projects at the Museum, he works directly with the director, Paul is working in the Museum's vehicle section and operations in the Museum.

Master Parachutist

75th and 80th Normandy D Day Jumper

Paul is a WWII reenactor with the 704TDB and

502 IR 101 AB Div. He is a native of Chesterfield, MI.

Watch the story of the building and first public event of the new

Museum Historian

James Bertolino

Historian and History Major at Oakland U.James has been a WWII Reenactor for many years and jumped into Normandy on the 65th Anniversary.

James also is in charge of displays.He is our IT Man of the Year, linking our computer gaming and in charge of support.

Troy Firefighter and resident

James was 2013 Member of the Year.

Our founder

John Lind

Our Director and Founder Mr. John Lind is a veteran of the Marine Corps,

U. S. Air Force and U. S. Navy. 

Commanding Officer of the 704 TDB WWII Reeactment Group

Detroit Athletic Club member and many local civic groups.

Master parachute wings, Jumpmaster and FAA Senior Rigger.

He credits his father Henry Lind USN 42-46, and his Uncle Richard USN 42-45, Uncle Ian USA 43-45, and John Blix, USA 42-45, who served in WWII for his love of history. "My Uncles Jim and Bill served in the post war. I learned a lot about Duty, Honor and Love of Country from these men.

I give God all the credit and praise. I love history and want to share it with everyone. We Americans can be proud of the men and women who served our country. When you see a Vet, just say THANK YOU."


We are currently searching for those who wish to LIVE history and not just read about it!

Looking for Museum Staff and Vehicle Owners, folks who would like to learn about vehicles and folks would like to become  Reenactors.

Detroit Arsenal of Democracy